Friday, February 20, 2015

4 Ways Foothill CU Provides Guidance to Home Buyers in Arcadia

Buying a home in Arcadia, Calif. is not only a major milestone, but a big leap for your personal finances, taxable income and credit history. Ensuring you take the proper steps to set yourself up for success for the long term is easier with Foothill Credit Union as your guide, from applying for mortgage financing to closing on the home. Whether this is your first home or a vacation property, Foothill is able to give personal service and expert advice on how to get the best Arcadia home loan rates and speed up the closing process.

Each home loan should be decided on a case-by-case basis of what will benefit your goals for homeownership and your budgetary needs. For example, fixed-rate mortgages are often ideal for people with good credit who plan to stay in the same home for more than 10 years. Adjustable-rate mortgages, which have fixed rates and payments for a set time (typically five, seven or 10 years), might be better for someone who plans to move after a while or could handle the variable increases for the remainder of the loan term.

Various home loan options can be confusing and complicated, so Foothill offers four ways for people to get help with buying a home. You won’t be left guessing which mortgage option is best for your personal finance needs thanks to the following expert guidance for home buyers in Arcadia.

1. Get Your Mortgage Questions Answered by a Foothill Representative

Wading through home loan paperwork can be overwhelming. Foothill’s expert loan officers are there to ensure all of your pertinent issues are handled in a timely manner. You shouldn’t have to dig through an online forum or wait on a helpline to get all your mortgage questions answered. Members can consult with mortgage loan representatives from Foothill to ask all their mortgage questions and gain individualized advice.
2. Attend an Arcadia Home-Buying Seminar by Credit Union Specialists

Foothill’s mortgage specialists provide home-buying seminars in Arcadia every quarter to explain market conditions and home-buying basics. Seminars are a great way to understand the market before you go searching for a new home in Arcadia and use that information to make sure you’re getting a good mortgage deal and the best value for your money. Experts can even help you with filling out an application. Most events are first come, first serve, but you can reserve a seat by calling 626-445-0950, ext.4000 if you are interested for the spring session.
3. Gain a HomeBenefitsPlus Professional Realtor

The HomeBenefitsPlus program offers you personal service with a professional home-buying counselor who can help you find the right real estate agent for your needs, as well as provide advice and a second opinion throughout the process. You won’t be left to struggle through any step thanks to your counselor, who will stay in touch with you as you work toward buying a home. You will have an advocate to answer any questions that might come up along the way.
4. Explore Foothill’s Online Mortgage Information Tools

The credit union’s online tools include home-buying tips, selling tips, listings and consumer resources to be prepared for the Arcadia housing market. Online resources will walk you through the home-buying process and provide answers to common questions for new home buyers. You can also use the Foothill mortgage calculator to see how much you could save by increasing your monthly payments.

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